California’s almond industry has relied on sustainable practices to thrive. But as global heating alters the environment in the state, farmers are adopting new climate-smart practices to adapt.
In California, almond growers are nervous about the uncertainty. California supplies 82 percent of the world’s almonds and has almost 7,000. The tariffs add about 12 cents per pound to shelled ...
Late in 2023, California almond growers – responsible for a crop valued at $3.88 billion in 2023 – started to hear about a potentially devastating new pest, the carpophilus beetle ( Carpophilus ...
UPL’s new fungicide, AXIOS™ 20 SC, is part of FRAC Group 52, a previously unavailable mode of action. It targets brown rot ...
At the recent Almond Conference, Josette .....Almond Board of California, highlighted innovative practices to support pollinator populations ...