Introduction Evidence from individual longitudinal studies suggests that anxiety and depression may impact quality of life ... Moreover, subgroups, such as age group or gender, could be analysed.
For social phobias, added benefits of exercise when combined with group cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) were shown (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between aerobic and anaerobic ...
Introduction Anxiety and depression correlate with poor asthma control. There is a cyclical relationship: poor asthma control increasing likelihood of emotional distress, which in turn reduces patient ...
Evidence suggests that both anxiety and depression might have pathophysiological ... 1,2 The prevalence of such symptoms in the control group was 35%. The patient selection criteria used by ... Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the level of anxiety in patients with a primary brain tumour and to analyse the effect of tumour laterality and histology on the level of ...