You definitely want to get rid of them, however, can you use just any cleaning wipe on your laptop screen? They may remove the various smudges and debris, but they could also be subtly damaging it.
Honest question: When's the last time you gave your computer a wipe-down?
For a computer monitor, dust the back top, sides and any ledges that collect dirt before you start cleaning. A microfiber cloth works, but I prefer screen-cleaning wipes. They’re just so easy.
Make sure to wipe the TV as gently as possible. TV screens are fragile ... a screen cleaner is worth a try, and as a bonus you can also use it for your laptop, tablet and cell phone screens.
You might be surprised by how often experts suggest cleaning your phone! "Dirt, oil or germs from hands can mark up cell phones," Ek explains. "Wipe the screen at least daily with a microfiber cloth." ...