2.1. Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals (12h)(1번과 중복) 2.2. Modernizing Data Lakes and Data Warehouses with GCP (9h) 2.3. Building Batch Data Pipelines on GCP (14h) 2.4. Building ...
This book aims to provide a study guide to learn and master machine learning in Google Cloud: to build a broad and strong knowledge base, train hands-on skills, and get certified as a Google Cloud ...
Introduction In the rapidly changing landscape of tech, certification is a significant boon for the professionals in this ...
The gig economy runs so strong, some people make livable incomes working part time. The average side gig brings in about $688 ...
As Artificial Intelligence continues to grow and revolutionise every industry worldwide, the demand for a skilled ...
This book aims to provide a study guide to learn and master machine learning in Google Cloud: to build a broad and strong knowledge base, train hands-on skills, and get certified as a Google Cloud ...
Written by Dan Sullivan, a popular and experienced online course author for machine learning, big data, and Cloud topics, Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Study Guide is your ace in ...