ハートは最新ライヴで47年ぶりに「Treat Me Well」をライヴ演奏しました。映像あり。海外のセットリストサイトによると、この曲のライヴ演奏は1978年以来で、通算でも6回目だという。77年アルバム『Little Queen』収録曲 ...
In early February, an Australian man in his 40s became the first person in the world to leave hospital with a virtually ...
This short film uses 3D CGI images to show the movement of blood through the chambers of the heart and the pacemaker cells. Following the initial sequences, the video focuses on the story of a ...
This project aims to predict heart diseases using electrocardiogram (ECG) images through machine learning models. ECG signals are widely used for diagnosing various heart conditions. By leveraging ...
16 at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2024. The meeting, held Nov. 16–18, 2024, in Chicago, is a premier global exchange of the latest scientific advancements, research and ...
They went back to the UK Biobank dataset and compared the heart images with genetic information from the same 25,000 people. This highlighted several genes that were both linked to the formation ...