Men and women sit in separate sections in Orthodox Jewish synagogues, while Reform Jews of different genders sit together to worship. Orthodox Jews often refer to a synagogue as ‘shul’, which ...
The boy’s father thanks God for bringing his son to maturity, the boy receives gifts and there is a celebratory meal. After a Bar or Bat Mitzvah boys and girls will start to follow Jewish laws ...
Hasidic Judaism encompasses a diverse array of sects, each with its own customs, practices, and spiritual leaders. Major Hasidic dynasties include Satmar, Chabad-Lubavitch, Breslov, Ger, Belz, and ...
Our Judaism is broadly defined as the collective historical experience of the Jewish people – a widely and wildly diverse ...
It provides advanced instruction in the methods, issues, and resources of Second Temple Judaism, New Testament, Rabbinics, and early Christian studies. Our faculty members embrace interdisciplinary ...
Religious ritual practices and concepts are an essential part of the three Abrahamic religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This course is an investigation of the worship traditions of these ...