I'm one of life's speed-readers, which means that the price of my paperbacks quickly stacks up. That's why, when the case for Kindle Unlimited (KU) was made to me, it seemed like a no-brainer.
好きな端末で、好きなときに、気になる本を。現在、AmazonではKindle Unlimitedが3ヵ月99円で500万冊以上が読み放題になるキャンペーンを実施中*。 社会の変化に負けずにブレない教養やビジネス思考、哲学、ビジネスマナーを学びたいなら、本の読み放題サブ ...
What is Kindle Unlimited? Well, think Netflix, but for books. That’s the basics. Of course, there’s a lot more to it than that, so we’ve put together a guide with all the most important details, ...
Amazonは、Kindle Unlimited(キンドル・アンリミテッド)に新規登録すると、プライム会員限定で通常1か月980円の利用料金が 3か月99円 など利用できるキャンペーンを開催しています(アカウントによって、2か月99円、2か月499円、6か月3,980円などいくつかの ...
フィルター機能が追加され、コンテンツがダウンロード済みかどうか、「Kindle Unlimited」などのサービスに含まれるかどうかでライブラリを ...
BOOK lovers looking to upgrade their library for less are signing up for one of Amazon's popular subscription services. Kindle Unlimited is the perfect way for users to reach their reading goals ...
Kindle Unlimited is a great way to get started. You can currently get three months of Kindle Unlimited for just £7.99 before it goes back to the usual £9.49 subscription fee. If you're looking ...
Kindle Unlimited isn't included with Prime. You will have to pay $12 per month after a 30-day trial. Only a small offering ...
Whether suspense thriller, sentimental romance, or learned non-fiction with lifestyle magazines that you’re into, there is everything for everyone. But hurry up; it is valid only until 11:59 PM on ...
The standard Kindle Paperwhite costs £149.99 - again, that's with 16GB storage and ads. Remove them and you're looking at an extra tenner on top. Both of these prices include three months free Kindle ...
AMAZON has a great deal on its popular Kindle Unlimited subscription service this January. Dive into three months of unlimited reading enjoyment for just £7.99, saving shoppers £20.48.