あなたが動いた通りに初音ミクが動く――Xbox 360用の周辺機器「Kinect」(キネクト)を使ったモーションキャプチャで、初音ミクの3Dモデルを ...
身振り手振りでゲームを操作するXbox 360用コントローラー「Kinect」は、発売から60日で800万台売れた――Microsoftは1月5日、Consumer Electronics Show(CES ...
旧SEメンバーシップ会員の方は、同じ登録情報(メールアドレス&パスワード)でログインいただけます 「Kinect」は、マイクロソフトのゲーム機「Xbox」に対応したKinectセンサーを取り付けることによって、コントローラーを使わずに、体や声を使ってゲーム ...
clone the code into the "Pluings" folder of your c++ ureal engine project (ex. myProject\Plugins\KinectXbox360-UE4) run, compile project as usual We need to pass a base material to apply later the rgb ...
When the Kinect for Xbox 360 was first demonstrated in June 2009, it looked like the future of technology. By tracking your body with an advanced infrared camera, sensors, and a microphone ...
Driver for Kinect for Windows v2 (K4W2) devices (release and developer preview). Note: libfreenect2 does not do anything for either Kinect for Windows v1 or Kinect for Xbox 360 sensors. Use ...
Microsoft representatives seem to be taking a decidedly different stance on a contest that offered a $3,000 bounty to create an open-source driver for the Xbox 360 Kinect motion-sensitive controller.
MSN による配信11月
The Best Xbox Kinect Games
Ah, the Kinect. Microsoft's ambitious and unreliable motion control device. First released in 2010 for the Xbox 360, the Kinect was Mircosoft's attempt at crafting a piece of hardware that could ...
Guinness World Records, the global authority on record breaking, today confirm that the Kinect for the Xbox 360 is the Fastest-Selling Consumer Electronics Device. The hardware, that allows ...
Ten years ago, a similar chorus of hype reached a crescendo with the release of Xbox Kinect, promising to revolutionize how we play. That vision never panned out, but as [Daniel Cooper] of ...
Customers can now watch the latest movies and TV episodes on the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and use Kinect for Xbox 360 to find and play videos with the wave of a ...