Batman: The Animated Series was brimming with intense and dynamic action scene, with the greatest fights serving as highlights from the iconic series. The episode humanizes Croc by showing his ...
"Batman: The Animated Series" homages "Angels With Dirty Faces" in "It's Never Too Late," one of the series' most mature episodes which also features a gangster and a priest. The focus of the ...
Batman: The Animated Series explores Bruce Wayne's parents' death ... DC's Batman has had multiple different animated TV shows over time, with the earliest being released in 1968.
The fifth season of Max's hit, adult animated series, Harley Quinn is now streaming with new episodes dropping on ... scripts and recording sessions for Batman: Caped Crusader Season 2 are only ...
The episode starts with a skyline shot of Gotham, orchestral fanfare akin to Batman: The Animated Series, and a referential shot of a stone gargoyle overlooking the city, setting the stage for the ...
Three months later, they announced an ambitious slate of projects based on key players such as Batman and somewhat ... is Creature Commandos, a TV-MA animated series about a bunch of D-listers.
Mondo has spent the past several years creating new 1:6 scale figures of the iconic heroes and villains of Batman: The Animated Series, and they're about to add another big gun to the lineup. Mondo's ...