A set of scripts to generate hydrogen drum patterns from drum based midi files and midi files from patterns. This projects is a sub-project of a larger effort to use Machine Learning to generate midi ...
This experimental project will help musicians to create random (experimental) drum patterns by using machine learning to organize the sounds and generate the patterns (16n) based on similar sounds in ...
When Rock Band was first released, modders sought to adapt their MIDI drum kits for use with the game. The easiest solution they found was Highly Liquid’s MSA-P. It’s a photorelay based MIDI ...
[Maayan Migdal] wrote in to share a really cool drum kit he constructed that has one special twist – no drums at all. Using a simple MIDI device and an Arduino, his “Air Drums” look pretty ...
This means that we can play the part from any MIDI instrument in the ... that feature in most or all of it. A drum machine can play back drum sounds in patterns. It means you can have a drum ...