Web-based notation software ... based programs and allow collaboration with live changes and comments. Online collaboration means that you are able to share ideas with others in a composition.
The undergraduate degree in music composition at Ohio University is a comprehensive ... Lab and Surround Sound Lab which give students access to the two primary software programs taught, Logic and Max ...
A degree in music theory/composition opens doors to a wide variety of graduate programs and careers, including composing, arranging, performing, and music instruction at all levels of education. Your ...
Focusing on the author's Experiments in Musical Intelligence computer music composing program, the author and a distinguished group of experts discuss many of the issues surrounding the program, ...
The graduate degree in music composition at Ohio University is a comprehensive ... Lab and Surround Sound Lab which give students access to the two primary software programs taught, Logic and Max/MSP ...
The graduate Composition program at the University of North ... This course is an advanced studies in computer music and related media focusing on compositional techniques, interactive systems, ...