Is your partner showing narcissistic traits? Take this test to see where they land. Using the key below, answer the questions based on how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement.
Feeling deprived of admiration that they think they deserve, narcissists lash out by blaming others when they feel criticism ...
Narcissists often display disruptive behaviors in social settings, such as aggression or arrogance, that increase the likelihood of others distancing themselves over time. These self-absorbed ...
A brief foray presents me with symptoms such as “he gets mad when people criticise him” (social media’s narcissists are almost always male, by the way), “he’s a perfectionist” and ...
If you don’t personally know a narcissist, you can likely think of a few celebrities or politicians who display entitlement, lack empathy and crave constant admiration. Grandiose narcissists ...