4.5M LIFT, 3000 hrs 2500KG LIFTING CAPACITY CLEAR VIEW TWO STAGE MAST, 4550MM MAXIMUM LIFT HEIGHT COMPLETE WITH SIDE SHIFT AND TILT ALMOST NEW ... sales team always focus on providing an economical ...
Three of the new forklifts have a lifting capacity of 3000kg and the other 2500kg. The outgoing vehicles they replaced were decades old so the new models are already proving to be more reliable.
2016 Toyota 8FGCU25 FORKLIFT ... Stock: S1029 Type: Forklift Make: Nissan Model: UGJ02A30P Fuel: LPG Lifting: 6000 Lbs. Mast: 3 Stage 87/189 Hydraulic: 3 Way (With Side Shift) Tires: Brand New Solid ...
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