【プレスリリース】発表日:2025年03月14日NVIDIAとMicrosoftが画期的なニューラル シェーディング テクノロジでゲーミングの新時代を開拓次世代のゲームはシェーダー内のAIによって高速化され、DLSS4搭載のゲームとアプリが100以上利用可能になり、GDCでは『Half-Life 2 RTX』デモがリリース ※本発表資料は米国時間2025年3月13日に発表されたプレスリリース( h ...
PassMark reports that Nvidia has dropped 32-bit OpenCL support, rendering legacy code unusable on Blackwell (RTX 50) hardware ...
On Feb 26, chip giant Nvidia Corp unveiled its earnings for the quarter and the fiscal year ended January. The artificial ...
Nvidia recently announced that it is halting support for the legacy GPU-accelerated physics simulation technology, PhysX on newer graphics cards. This indicated that many popular older games would ...
Nvidia's new 50-series graphics cards just aren't as good at running certain older games as previous hardware generations were, some PC gamers have discovered. With its latest generation of GPUs ...
Taking advantage of the launch of the free upgrade for the PC version of GTA 5, ElAnalistaDeBits has published a video ...