PC PitStop からは、他にも「PC Matic」などの診断ツールをダウンロードできますが、OverDriveを実行するだけなら、それらのツールはとくに必要ありません。 OverDrive を使用するには、管理者モードで動作している Internet Explorer (起動時に右クリックで「管理者と ...
PC Matic blocks execution of any program that isn't on its whitelist, which includes all types of malware. It has a great price per device, but you'll have to put up with it occasionally blocking ...
Pitstop in Purgatory is an adventure game, by Tymedust Games for Linux and PC. Pitstop in Purgatory has a Stylized art style, presented in 2D or 2.5D and is played in a First-Person perspective.