Medically reviewed by Josephine Hessert, DOMedically reviewed by Josephine Hessert, DO While chest pain is often linked to heart problems, it can also occur from factors related to other body systems.
1 It has been estimated that 2.4% of attendances are because of chest pain, 2 representing 360 000 emergency department attendances. Despite this, surprisingly little data have been published ...
the pain of costochondritis is localized to the center of the chest. It may get worse when you take a deep breath or press on your ribs. Neither of these actions will affect the pain of a heart attack ...
Chest pain can be caused by many things, from a pulled muscle to asthma. Depending on the reason for the pain, the symptoms may differ. Often, chest pain in children is due to something affecting the ...
BACKGROUND Non-cardiac chest pain assessed by cardiologists in their outpatient clinics or by coronary angiography usually has a poor symptomatic functional and psychological outcome. Randomised ...
Pain or discomfort in the chest (front or back) The chest includes from the top to the bottom of the rib cage Chest pains in children lasting for a few minutes are usually harmless. The pain can be ...
The American College of Cardiology has recognized Hamilton Medical Center for its demonstrated expertise and commitment in treating patients with chest pain.
In this six-part series, we'll give you quick exercises for different body parts every week to help you stay limber.
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If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service. You will be ...
Setting Two-centre study in a Swedish county emergency medical service (EMS) organisation. Participants Unselected inclusion of 2917 patients with chest pain cared for by the EMS during 2018. Data ...