Corporate finance is concerned mainly with shareholder value maximization ... and the financial markets go through cycles of boom and bust. Quantitative methods are a powerful instrument in the ...
This unit introduces the econometric techniques most commonly used in finance, including multiple regression methods and time-series analysis ... as a result of the unit Students will gain confidence ...
A study of statistical and econometric techniques allowing students to carry out appropriate empirical research in the areas of accounting and finance. The fourth number of the course code shows the ...
This module provides an understanding of the main mathematical, statistical and econometric techniques that underpin Finance and Accounting research and their application in practice. Students will ...
Identify, describe and correctly categorise the different types of data sets common in finance; Critically assess various empirical methods in finance; Evaluate the limitations of such quantitative ...
The future of finance will require a strong background in mathematics and statistics to understand the algorithms and investment concepts that dominate this field. A certificate in Quantitative ...
The confluence of these skills is in high demand in the finance world. Due to the scarcity of competitive programs nationally which combine rigorous training in quantitative methods and extensive ...
The quantitative finance major at IWU is a unique combination of finance theory and application, mathematics and data science - all in a liberal arts setting. With the vast amount of financial data, ...
A master’s program based on field data and measurable results. What else would you expect from a bunch of quants? When we set out to create a Master of Science in Quantitative Finance (M.S.Q.F.) ...
The programme combines in-depth knowledge in the areas of economics and finance with state-of-the-art quantitative methods, which makes it unique in Switzerland. The MiQE/F trains students to analyse ...