3D images of skulls excavated from the Hirota site and the Doigahama site that the researchers used to compare skull morphology between the two groups. Notice that the skull from the Hirota site ...
High-resolution neutron imaging and CT scans of the tyrannosaur Bistahieversor sealeyi’s 74-million-year-old skull shed light on its evolution. Researchers scanned the skull of a more than ...
The Northside Skull and Bone Gang started at King & Queen Emporium Int'l on Bayou Rd. A massive crowd followed them as they ...
The mystery of how Mozart truly looked may be solved at last, after scientists reconstructed his living face from his skull.
Click and drag on the images above to rotate the skulls. Try to rotate both skulls in the same direction and keep them similarly aligned. Whenever you see your cursor change to a "globe," click.
The face of the famous classical musician may be revealed at last, after a skull attributed to him was used to rebuild his likeness ...