What is it and how does it work? Probability and Statistics is an introductory statistics course offered through the Open Learning Initiative (OLI). It is designed to teach the basic concepts of ...
The aim of the course is to make the participants acquainted with basic statistical ideas and methods. No special previous knowledge of mathematics or statistics is assumed. The statistical software R ...
Our course will help you gain the skills needed for essential senior roles in healthcare or environmental science. Watch a Q&A with our Data Science (Statistics) MSc programme leads. Our expert ...
This page contains courses in mathematics and statistics that are taught during the current or upcoming academic year. Please note that the contents of this page are based on preliminary information.
As a minimum you should have done Calculus or Mathematical Analysis, Linear Algebra, two courses in Probability and two courses in Statistics. A Mathematical Statistics course may count as one ...
Online asynchronous courses have become a common part of the college experience for many students in the United States. As of ...
Normally, the domain would be outside of mathematics, statistics, and computer science. A departmental honors thesis in another major (normally not MTH or CSC). One capstone course: SDS 410 Electives ...
In today’s information age, a massive amount of information is gathered daily. In this course, we’ll teach you how to interpret patterns in data using statistics to make the correct decisions or ...
This Statistics for Data Science course is designed to introduce you to the basic principles of statistical methods and procedures used for data analysis. After completing this course you will have ...