ポイント:運動後は幸福感を高めるホルモンが分泌され、ストレス減込。 3.趣味やクリエイティブな活動 絵を描く、料理をする、DIYなど、自分が気づけば時間が経つアクティビティに活用。 読書や映画鑑賞も、仕事とは違う視点を得られるキッカケに。
Persistent alteration of neuronal activity in a specialized thalamic nucleus underlies maladaptive behavioral changes after ...
Spending just six minutes performing a common activity before bed can "reduce stress levels by 68%", thus promoting a better ...
Retirement is often imagined as a carefree phase of life, filled with relaxation, hobbies, and quality time with loved ones.
Diagnosis. Stress-induced (Takotsubo) cardiomyopathy (apical ballooning syndrome). Management. The patient was monitored with cardiac telemetry. Metoprolol and ramipril were continued. A 54-year ...