For a buttermilk substitute, you’ll need milk (dairy or plant-based) or another kind of dairy product and an acidic element – usually lemon juice, vinegar, or cream of tartar. In this guide ...
How many times have you read a recipe for pancakes or fried chicken that called for buttermilk and panicked? If you are like many people, buttermilk is not something you always have on hand.
Can I substitute sour cream for buttermilk? Yes, although you'll likely want to thin it out with milk or water to achieve a buttermilk-like consistency.
As this is not readily available or always to hand, I have resorted to adding a little vinegar to milk. What difference does buttermilk make to the recipe? What can be used as a substitute?
you can make a quick substitution for buttermilk by souring some fresh milk. Add 1 tbsp of lemon juice to every 100ml of milk called for in the recipe. Stir the lemon juice into the milk and allow ...
you can make a quick substitution for buttermilk by souring some fresh milk. Add 1 tbsp of lemon juice to every 100ml of milk called for in the recipe. Stir the lemon juice into the milk and allow ...