He found that the tone generator built into Audacity was quite useful, at least for generating waveforms at less than 20 KHz or so. Upon plugging his scope into his sound card’s audio jack ...
A reusable Tone Generator class roughly based upon the fine work of Matt Galagher, http://www.cocoawithlove.com/2010/10/ios-tone-generator-introduction-to.html A ...
[RichDecibels] wrote in to share a new device he built called the “Sinster Tone Generator”. It’s basically a bass drone synthesizer that uses two pairs of heterodyning oscillators to ...
This is a tone generator that I use with a morse code key for input to an SDR. It uses a 555 timer to generate a tone of 500-1000 Hertz, and a transistor to turn the tone output on and off. Assembly ...
In this paper is described a new type of electronic tube warble tone generator which utilizes a ``relaxation'' oscillator and has no mechanically moving parts.
Abstract: Two programs have been written for the recently developed single-chip digital signal processor (DSP) integrated circuit that enable it to function as a tone generator in testing transmission ...