Here is a small board for my home development purposes. Able to download firmware through USB or ST-Link/V2 from discovery boards Can act as USB to rs-485 adapter Can act as USB/RS-485 thermometer Can ...
This breakout board pairs an SP3485 RS-485 transceiver with an FT232RL USB UART IC to convert a USB stream to RS-485. The hardware is released under Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0 International.
[André Sarmento] needed to connect a computer to an RS-485 bus. A simple converter can be sourced online, but the only thing he could find locally that was even close was a USB to RS-232 converter.
Hello TI-Masters, hello community, on our custom board we use external RS-485 driver. In the firmware runs on R-core (0-0) with RTOS and uses USART5 for communication. RX, TX and RTS pins are ...