Its symptoms include vaginal irritation ... creams (topical), which help eliminate the fungus causing the vaginal infection.
Bacterial vaginosis — usually called BV — is a bacterial infection ... Sometimes symptoms come and go, or they’re so mild that you don’t notice them. The main symptom of BV is lots of thin vaginal ...
A healthy immune system and some "good" bacteria keep the amount in a ... If your daughter has any symptoms of a yeast infection — like itchiness or abnormal vaginal discharge — she should see her ...
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a mild infection in the vagina ... The doctor will ask questions about your health and symptoms, do an exam, and maybe do a pelvic exam to look inside your vagina. A sample ...
It often leads to itching and other irritating symptoms ... bacteria, which causes yeast to grow. People can also get a yeast infection on their mouth, throat, or tongue — that’s called "thrush." ...
A doctor can usually diagnose a vaginal yeast infection based on a person’s symptoms alone, though they may need to test a sample of discharge to help them rule out bacterial infections and STIs ...
This mildly acidic environment helps protect against infection. So do the other substances they produce. These bacteria are an important part of a healthy vaginal ecosystem. A hallmark of bacterial ...