Amidst the joy, fun, and festivities of New Year's Eve, take a moment to say this powerful prayer as a form of gratitude for the blessings showered upon every aspect of your life. You can say it ...
Christians of all denominations are invited to mark the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Jan. 19 with a Greater ...
Dua e Hajat is a special prayer for fulfilling urgent needs. When you face difficulties, perform Salatul Hajat, which is a prayer of two rak'ahs. After completing the prayer, recite the Dua Hajat in ...
Ran, father of returned hostage Daniella Gilboah, recited a special prayer of gratitude for his daughter's release this morning. Standing before the holy ark, he read the 'Nishmat' prayer ...
To highlight this milestone anniversary in a “viral” manner, the Digital Synod has launched a special online map featuring virtual lighted candles representing the prayers of the faithful worldwide ...
In some countries, the minaret is used to call Muslims to prayer five times a day, but we don’t do that here. When we go inside, we take off our shoes and wash ourselves in a special way ...