The harmonic minor scale is, of course, the one they used to make all of the most important harmonies in the minor mode. But for writing melodies, they wanted a smoother, less dissonant scale, one ...
The harmonic minor scale is, of course, the one they used to make all of the most important harmonies in the minor mode. But for writing melodies, they wanted a smoother, less dissonant scale, one ...
Harmonic minors use the relative major key signature and raise the seventh note of the scale. For example, in A harmonic minor there are no sharps or flats other than the raised seventh of G#.
Listen to this audio extract to hear C Major modulating to A Minor. You can follow ... The difference is that all modes use the same tonal scale but start and end on different notes.
For all those engineers who dabble in music [Magnetovore] has your back. Musicians simply must know their scales and he came up with a papercraft slide rule for major and minor scales. The system ...
Compare the intervals of the major scale and the Aeolian mode and ... it doesn’t reveal any surprises – except all three chords turn out to be minor. Our Aeolian rhythm guitar riff is a ...