レノボがオールインワンPC「Lenovo A100」を発売しました。CPUにIntel N100を搭載し、12月14日現在59,840円で購入ができる低価格な製品です。エントリーPCということにはなりますが、読者の方々がご存知の通り、Intel N100はかつてのCeleronとは別物と言える性能になっ ...
AMD Ryzen AI 9/Ryzen 7、7インチOLEDディスプレイ搭載のポータブルゲーミングPC「OneXFLY F1 Pro」が発売された。 ラインアップと価格は、 Ryzen 7 8840U/32GBメモリ/1TB ...
All-in-one (AIO) computers can do it all without sacrificing valuable desk space. These often-stylish AIO systems build the processor, storage, and other components directly into the display ...
Get everything you need in one desktop PC with these great All-in-Ones. Having a desktop PC doesn't necessarily require a separate box or tower, monitor, and the endless cables that run between.
Versatility is king when recommending a PC to all sorts of general users, and it doesn't get much more adaptable in the desktop space than the HP Envy Move. This all-in-one is designed to move ...
After that, we talk about the differences between all-in-one PCs and tower desktops so you can get an idea of how best to spend your money. Best desktop PCs under £400: the specs you need If you’re ...
The reason you might want the Lenovo IdeaCentre AIO 27 is simple: You are looking for an all-in-one Windows PC with the biggest display and at the lowest price. The Lenovo costs hundreds less than ...