Acupuncture, massage, and diet changes are complementary therapies suggested for easing multiple sclerosis symptoms. Learn more about them so you can decide if these options are right for you.
In the podcast, Jack went into detail about his preference for "alternative therapies" rather than taking traditional MS medication, followed by his recent experience with bio-cellular therapy.
and alternative therapies can cause: drug interactions adverse health conditions medical complications when used incorrectly This may be particularly true for people with MS, who may have varying ...
Evaluate some of the more promising dietary therapies for MS. 1. Which of the following statements has ... Yadav V, Shinto L, Bourdette D. Complementary and alternative medicine for the treatment of ...
Your sister swears by chiropractic for her stiff neck. You wouldn't mind exploring some alternative therapies for a few of your own ailments, but you're not crazy about the idea of paying for the ...
So we have come a very long way from 1993 to now. We have over 20 therapies for MS. And so it is really the cutting edge of medicine because almost every year, we have sometimes one, two ...