A 72 year old right handed woman had a focal lesion in the angular gyrus of the left hemisphere which was caused by a glioblastoma multiforme. The first symptom she had complained of was severe ...
We hypothesize that inhibitory interference with spontaneous ongoing, that is, not task-driven, activity in the angular gyrus (AG), one of the core regions of the default mode network, will enhance ...
X, x-axis; lAnG, left angular gyrus. Figure S2. Sagittal view of the Pain Intensity—fALFF BOLD signal regression clusters on right insula at uncorrected p < 0.001 (slice at x-axis = 38, in MNI space).
Gerstmann's syndrome is a rare disorder resulting from damage to the angular gyrus of the dominant parietal lobe leading to agraphia, acalculia, finger agnosia and left-right disorientation. In adults ...
Behavioral Level,Bilateral Angular Gyrus,Block Type,Brain Activity,Brain Regions,Early Visual Cortex,Frontal Gyrus,Hidden Structure,High Probability,Higher Knowledge Scores,Inferior Frontal ...