are among the most popular beneficial insects. These small beetles, recognized by their bright red and orange shells adorned with black spots, are voracious predators of aphids, which can wreak havoc ...
Like ladybugs, ground beetles are beneficial predators that attack and devour little buggy pests in your garden. Unlike ladybugs, ground beetles are plain colored and not often noticed ...
Lacewings feed on pests like aphids and benefit from flowers with small blooms, while ground beetles reduce pest populations ...
Sap beetles live through the winter as adults in sites outside gardens. They emerge in spring and lay eggs near fermenting and decaying plant material. Larvae feed for about three weeks and then ...
It is rare to see spotted cucumber beetles early in the season and their numbers normally are too low to require treatment. Remove weeds in and around your garden because they may be potential hosts ...
Have you heard enough about social distancing? Well, what about social distancing in the garden? I imagine some of you would like to keep a “social” distance from bees and other insects you ...
The common red soldier beetle is also known as the 'bloodsucker' for its striking red appearance, but it is harmless. It is a beneficial garden insect as the adults eat aphids, and the larvae eat ...
are among the most popular beneficial insects. These small beetles, recognized by their bright red and orange shells adorned with black spots, are voracious predators of aphids, which can wreak havoc ...
Predatory insects include lady beetles, praying mantids ... and Queen Anne’s Lace are good choices. Other common garden plants like blanket flower, coneflower, cosmos, and sunflowers will be visited ...
In recent decades, however, scientists have found that in fact there are definite benefits to adding diversity to your garden, primarily because certain plants attract and support beneficial insects ...
The 14-spot ladybird is one of three yellow ladybirds in the UK. Look for it in grassland, woodland and gardens. Ladybirds are beneficial insects, managing garden pests - encourage them by putting up ...