Infrared lamps are a good heat source for brooding chicks. Use porcelain sockets ... You can then increase the feeder space to 3 to 4 inches per growing pullet. Once the pullets start laying (about 20 ...
Raising backyard chickens can be a rewarding experience and a great way to teach kids about nature, agriculture and responsibility of caring for animals. Hens begin laying at around six months of age ...
Chickens are a wonderful addition to any backyard homestead, providing eggs and endless entertainment. Cracking open a golden-yolked egg from your own flock is enormously satisfying. And you ...
For best egg production, a commercial layer feed will provide the necessary ... One of the challenges of raising Polish ...
While U.S. residents have gotten used to high prices at the grocery store, the cost of eggs is expected to rise even further ...
Is it legal to raise backyard ... million egg-laying birds and 48,000 turkeys in December. Since Jan. 9, nearly 1.5 million cases have been reported, including: 700,000 egg-laying chickens 740,000 ...