Q. I saw the news recently that the Food and Drug Administration is proposing to remove a popular ingredient in ...
Most studies which have looked into this association show that lysine can reduce the frequency and severity of cold sore attacks. Take 500 mg per day, and increase this to 1 g, two - three times a ...
hydrate the nasal passages and reduce swelling from the common cold. It is one of the best-studied, non-pharmaceutical treatments for nasal symptoms, including respiratory infections and even ...
Several small studies suggest that nasal irrigation may even do more than provide symptom relief: It may shorten the duration of cold symptoms and reduce the levels of cold virus in the nasal ...
Most cold sores heal naturally ... you can reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks. As Phil Day says, "Remember, cold sores are a very common condition, and there are many effective treatments ...
While there isn’t a definitive cure for cold sores ... for a fast-acting solution or a natural remedy, we’ve got you covered. Check out our top picks below. If you want to heal your cold ...
"There is still no cure for the common cold," concedes The New York Times, but scientists are "closing in on the next best thing: Treatments that stop the sniffles, the cough, and the sore throat." ...