However, regarding the rest of the Old Testament, various religious traditions ordered the books differently. The Protestant Old Testament shares the same collection of books with the Jewish Bible.
In one quote from St. Augustine, he even lists the canon of the Old Testament and it includes the books that are considered apocryphal by Protestantism. "Since, therefore, Christ was about to be ...
The "Ancient Hebrew Scriptures," often called the Old Testament, embrace a world view which was both deeply imbedded in its historical context (the civilization of the Ancient Near East) and at the ...
The first is called the liturgy of the Word and the second the Eucharistic liturgy. In the first part a passage from the ...
To give a proper perspective on the New Covenant sacrament of reconciliation instituted by Christ, we will explore the Old Testament prefiguration of this sacrament. In the next column ...
Many people falsely assume that only New Testament believers are saved by grace whereas Old Testament believers were saved by their obedience to the law of Moses and not by grace. The truth is that ...
Stephen B. Chapman, Ph.D., associate professor of Old Testament at Duke Divinity School, has published a new edition of his watershed book The Law and the Prophets: A Study in Old Testament Canon ...
Brent A. Strawn, Ph.D., professor of Old Testament at Duke Divinity School, has written a new book addressing ten common mistruths that Christians have been told about the Old Testament. The book, ...