A place in the last four of the Munster Junior Cup is the prize on offer for Bridge United this afternoon. They host Cork side Coachford in their last eight showdown with the Cork side having ...
Its beyond the scope of a bridge column to teach any bidding system in details. However, let me present an overview of this aspect of the game. Any partnership has got 35 legal bids at its disposal.
West should throw Q♥ on the second round: a tough but good play. In this way, East will win the third round of hearts and can lead a club through the declarer. Certainly, from the outset, declarer’s ...
BANGKOK: Thailand plans to hold an international competitive bidding for a one trillion baht (US$29bil) project that seeks to significantly cut shipping times between the Indian and Pacific oceans ...
The bidding process for the construction of the Bizerte Bridge has been reopened. Although the Ministry of Equipment and Housing was already examining submitted bids in December 2020 (AI, 04/12/20), ...