Babies with ulnar dysplasia are born with a short or missing ulnar bone. The ulnar bone is one of the two forearm bones. The short or missing ulnar bone causes the hand and wrist to turn outward ...
The ulnar nerve, or what some refer to as the "funny bone," is one of three major nerves in the arm, running from the neck to the hand. Sometimes, the ulnar nerve can become compressed or irritated ...
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Researchers from the UK have determined that trabecular metal (TM) implants could be an alternative to open reduction and internal fixation with bone grafting when it comes to ulnar nonunions. Their ...
If your outer wrist feels sore and achy, you might chalk it up to arthritis. But that discomfort could be ulnar wrist pain, which affects the side of the wrist closest to the pinky finger.
Make an appointment because it’s broken,’” Jennifer recalls ... “Alex has what’s called ulnar-mammary syndrome,” Jennifer explains. “So most people have two bones in their forearms ...