which was renamed "The Prison of the Gods." All the pre-Buddhist cults were suppressed. Spirit mediums left the shrines to become strolling musicians, dancers, and actors. But the people found it ...
Buddhism is a tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development. Buddhists strive for a deep insight into the true nature of life and do not worship gods or deities. Buddhism is a spiritual ...
📜 Building Angkor: A Clash of Gods - Jayavarman VII, a Buddhist pacifist, was forced to give up his pacifism and rise to the throne at the age of 60. But once seated on the throne, he built ...
Buddhism was the first of the great missionary faiths to take ... such as taking from the Virgin her title “Mother of God.” Nestorian Christianity spread to Persia, India, and China, bringing with it ...
NARA--A special exhibition of statues of the Buddhist god Bishamonten selected from temples and museums opened at the Nara National Museum here on Feb. 4. The show, “Bishamonten--Guardian of the ...