TOP生産性向上手書きの「バレットジャーナル」をEvernoteでデジタル化する方法 生産性向上 市販のスケジュール帳は、値段が高くて自由度が低いのが難点です。最近は、好みのツールを使って、自分で生産性をアップさせるスケジュール帳をデザインできるの ...
Bullet journaling is a way to streamline planning, journaling, ideating and more. Here are the 11 best bullet journal options ...
世界29か国で刊行!世界的ベストセラー! ニューヨーク・タイムズ、ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル、ファスト・カンパニー、LAタイムズ ...
It's your private space to create, make mistakes, and play with new designs or efficiencies. If you're thinking about starting a bullet journal, here are a few ideas to try: Idea 1: A simple to-do ...
When it’s organized in a bullet journal, these ideas may prove even more effective — and easier to achieve. So whether it’s your Hollywood pitch or an appointment you need to remember ...
The trend has taken social media by storm in recent years, but what exactly is a bullet journal? Simply put, a bullet journal (sometimes shortened to BJo or BuJo) can be anything you want it to be ...
You can create a digital bullet journal in Microsoft Word, ideal for those who struggle to keep a paper journal. A Word ...