Patients with debilitating gout are being failed by the NHS because of outdated practices which mean they are prescribed only a third of the medication they need, experts claim.
Cherries: Researchers have found that cherry consumption and 100% tart cherry juice lower serum uric acid levels and can reduce the risk of flare-ups in gout patients. Coffee: Drinking a moderate ...
Eating tart cherries – or drinking tart cherry juice -- may lower your risk of gout attacks. The red-purple pigments in the fruit – called anthocyanins – have powerful antioxidant and ...
Uncover details on more ways in which drinking cherry juice benefits health now. Lessens Symptoms Of Gout And Arthritis Drinking cherry juice lessens symptoms of gout and arthritis as well.
The first image to come to many people's minds when they think of cherries may be one of these tiny stone fruits sitting atop an ice cream sundae. That's an ...
Choose unsweetened tart cherry juice for maximum benefits ... Dairy products can help excrete uric acid and reduce gout risk. Opt for skim or low-fat milk as part of your daily diet.