Christopher Nolan, born on July 30 ... Set in 1940, the film unfolds on three interwoven timelines - land, sea, and air - following the experiences of British soldiers, civilian boat owners ...
Like fellow directors Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, and Wes Anderson, Christopher Nolan is a filmmaker whose name nearly everyone instantly recognizes, including those who haven't even seen one ...
There are, in our careful judgement, no bad Christopher Nolan movies. Some are good, and some are outstanding. So if you’re looking for someone to complain about Nolan, this isn’t the place. We’re ...
There are, in our careful judgement, no bad Christopher Nolan movies. Some are good, and some are outstanding. So if you're looking for someone to complain about Nolan, this isn't the place.
Few directors in the modern era have toed the line between thought-provoking cinema and crowd-pleasing entertainment better than Christopher ... as Nolan. To illustrate that point, only six directors ...