TOP生活実用Google Chrome OSをUSBメモリから起動する方法 まだ未完成でその全貌が明らかにはなっていないChrome OSですが、仮想マシン上でChromeOSを試す方法を以前に紹介しました。このChrome OSをUSBメモリから走らせる方法もあるそうあので、そちらをご紹介。
米Googleは7月15日(現地時間)、「Chrome OS Flex」を一般公開した。企業や学校向けに無償公開されており、古くなったWindows端末やMacデバイスへ ...
続いて、「Chrome OS」の外観を見てみよう。 デスクトップはWindowsと少しデザインが異なるものの、本質的にはあまり変わらない。複数の ...
Much has been said about Chrome OS being the OS “of the future”, as it’s entirely based on Chrome’s UI and easy to understand principles. Much has also been said about tablets getting Chrome OS by ...
The company is still committed to working with hardware partners on Android and Chrome OS tablets, an executive says. Google's top hardware executive confirmed Thursday that the company will not ...
Chromebooks are capable and popular devices. There are even higher-end Chromebooks, called Chromebook Plus devices, that add AI capabilities to the Chromebook to make it a more useful device.
Chrome OS was a novelty when it first arrived on the scene. Most pundits claimed it was nothing more than a browser, and it took Google plenty of time to prove them wrong. At this point ...
Second, Chrome OS will make its way onto tablets and “we could see unsubsidized 10-inch Chrome OS tablets selling for no more than $299, with perhaps $199 on the horizon.” Lastly, in 2012 or ...