If you have already earned credit for a college level math course, you are not required to take the math placement exam. Your transfer course will guide which course is right for you. Students ...
College Algebra (Math 115) Advanced courses such as Calculus (Math 133 or 150) A student may also fulfill the Math Core requirement by passing Logic (Phil 102). All students who wish to take a math ...
NOTE: Math Placement tests are for initial math placement only and can not be used after a student has credit for an Ohio University math course. Students with a calculated placement may only move up ...
A number of courses across the university use either the Miami Math Placement exam or an ACT or SAT mathematics test subscore ... then you do have the option to take a lower-level course. We want to ...
Entry-level math courses require a certain math placement score in order to enroll. To verify if the course you took as dual enrollment will exempt you from taking the Math Placement Test ... transfer ...
Depending on your major or academic program, you may need only one mathematics course at the university level. Our placement test helps identify if you need prerequisite work to succeed in this course ...
What is the Math Placement Exam (MPE)? The MPE is a test that assesses a student's proficiency in mathematics and determines the appropriate math course for the student's skill level. The University ...
It integrates and analyzes each student’s standardized test scores (if applicable), math course history (including college level math), and preparedness for each course. While ACT and SAT are not ...
A score of 4 or 5 on the Calculus AB test ... MATH 1510 or MATH 1520 as a prerequisite. If you have an ACT or SAT score on record, as well as a high school GPA, the department can compute your ...
If your major is in the College of Science, Engineering, Architecture, or Business, or if you are undecided, then your ALEKS score will be used for placement ... (MATH 1309). The Prep for Basic ...
Finding the best math course to match your skills. To better ensure student success, Kennesaw State University has adopted ... assess math proficiency and skill level before you enroll in a course.
When my sons entered college, even though they had strong math skills, I encouraged all three to retake a transfer-level course they had completed ... in part by extending those placement restrictions ...