A women-only art installation accused of being “discriminatory” by a disgruntled man who was denied entry is reopening Thursday having successfully fought for its legal right to exist.
Owner of $6 million fruit offers to buy bananas from NYC vendor The billionaire owner of a $6.2 million banana taped to a wall offered to buy 100,000 bananas from the 74-year-old Upper East Side ...
The Federal Cabinet of Germany has approved a plan to reform the processes for the restitution of Nazi-looted art.
PATERSON — A federal bankruptcy judge has approved the impending auction of the controversial Art Factory complex near the Great Falls, which for more than six years hosted weddings and other ...
An East Tennessee State University’s Reece Museum art exhibit is generating controversy. The artist, Joel Gibbs, said his “Evolution” piece responds to fascism. The piece shows a swastika ...
The controversial Art Modell Law has been cited by the City of Cleveland in an attempt to block the Browns from moving ...