If you spend any time hunched over your phone or your computer or constantly holding tension through your shoulders or jaw, ...
Joanna Kowalczyk died in October 2021 after she suffered acute arterial dissections at the base of her skull and neck, which ...
A CORONER has raised concerns that chiropractors aren’t required to check patient medical records after a woman’s death.
The ergonomic pillow, which has over 11,800 five-star ratings, provides relief from neck pain and headaches, according to ...
As the cold spell continues around minus 10 degrees Celsius, the burden on muscle health is also increasing.In cold winter, ...
His chemotherapy treatment was delayed as doctors attempted to figure out the cause of his pain, an Illinois attorney says.
Medical professionals raise concerns over the hidden dangers of chiropractic neck manipulations as new cases emerge.
The condition can cause mild or severe pain that may come and go. Home remedies such as pain relievers and hot and cold packs can help you manage symptoms. In some cases, prescription-strength ...
These neurotransmitters are pain signals that travel ... seven places around your head and neck. You could see results two to three weeks after your first treatment. Depending on where you get ...
If you're one of the millions of people suffering from chronic back and neck pain, figuring out how to get relief can feel ...