Ganglion cysts are lumps that, most commonly, develop on the back of the wrist. Underneath the skin is a fluid-filled sac. Although they're known medically as soft tissue tumors, ganglion (GAN-glee-in ...
and some loss of feeling or control of movement in the leg and/or foot. Pressure on the nerves next to the cysts can also cause pain and deterioration of surrounding bone. Tarlov cysts can be ...
Figure 3: Interdigital cysts on the front paw of a 3-year-old pet German Shorthaired Pointer that had been licking its foot for 10 days. Figure 4: A draining interdigital cyst on the paw of a 4 ...
Ovarian cysts, which are fluid-filled or solid sacs that develop within or on the surface of the ovary, are a common ...