This dbt package provides a materialization that segments customers or any other entities. It builds SQL or Python (Snowpark) transformation from SQL dbt model. Basically, you provide your own custom ...
Recce is data validation toolkit for pull request (PR) review in dbt projects. Get enhanced visibility into how your team’s dbt modeling changes impact data by comparing your dev branch with stable ...
Step 1: Personalised Assessment with DBT London: your path to well-being begins with a detailed, personalised DBT assessment. It’s convenient and friendly, once your payment is confirmed ...
(NSS No. 13), States should define nuclear security requirements for nuclear or other radioactive material and associated facilities based on a threat assessment or a Design Basis Threat (DBT). A DBT ...
The objectives of our audit were to analyse how well DBT was able to control disease at 6 and 12 month intervals as well as assess its overall safety. Patients were assessed in clinic and at a virtual ...
With the "Prepare and Enrich" system, he uses a comprehensive assessment to evaluate ... Using parts work, DBT, and ACT, you’ll gain tools to manage your emotions and feel lighter and filled ...