昔ながらのIBM PC、PC/AT互換機からDOS/Vマシン、さらにはArmベースのWindows PC、M1 Mac、そしてラズパイまでがPCと呼ばれている ...
日本アイ・ビー・エム(株)は、企業向けデスクトップパソコンの普及機種『IBM PC 300GL』と、上位機種『IBM PC 300PL』に新モデルを追加した。
[GloriousCow] has started working on a series of investigations into the various historical floppy disk copy protection schemes used in the early days of the IBM PC and is here with the first of ...
A PC that was made by IBM. In 1981, the first IBM PC was introduced. However, the company was not terribly optimistic, projecting that 250,000 machines would be sold in five years. In fact ...
価格はオープン。IBM PC Directでの価格は、27Jのディスプレー無しモデルが7万9800円、15インチCRTディスプレー付属モデルが9万9800円、17インチCRT ...
No new product offering has had greater impact on the computer industry than the IBM System/360. IBM's 360 and Early 370 Systems describes the creation of this remarkable system and the developments ...
The original IBM PC featured an x86 CPU running at 4.77 ... decrazyo relied on emulation techniques to painstakingly replicate early PC technology on Nintendo's gaming console.