Created by British-American software publisher and computer designer Adam Osborne, the Osborne 1 is recognized as the first commercially successful portable computer, shipping in April 1981 ...
But before the now iconic clamshell form factor became the standard, there was a market for so-called “portable” computers. These machines often resembled pieces of luggage with keyboards ...
Portable computers continued to develop, though, and eventually became streamlined and easily portable, as the notebooks we have today are. These early portable computers were portable only in the ...
Current day personal computers (or 'PCs') are vastly different to the early computers described here. The modern PC was made possible by the development of the microprocessor in the early 1970s.
A few months back we brought you word of the YARH.IO, an extremely impressive Raspberry Pi portable that featured rugged good looks and a unique convertible design made possible by a removable ...
The clip, which has quickly gone viral, offers a fascinating glimpse into early portable computing, leaving viewers amazed by ...
Nowhere is this truer than with laptops and tablet PCs. The supposedly portable computers of the early 1980s, such as Osborne 1 and Compaq, were conventional desktop computers with a small monitor ...
This display highlights some interesting designs of portable computers from the '80s to early '90s. Use the links below to navigate through the virtual exhibit and learn more about the history of the ...
Mecha Comet, a modular Linux handheld computer designed for versatility, repairability, and sustainability. Soon launching on ...