This is the host software for an LPC51U68-based parallel EEPROM programmer, eeprog-fw-lpc. It's not perfect, but most issues can be resolved by restarting the programmer, or disconnecting and ...
The heart of the EEPROM programmer is an ATmega8 microcontroller. The address bus of the EEPROM (up to 15 bit) is controlled via two daisy-chained 74HC595 shift registers using hardware SPI @ 8 Mbps.
This application note describes how to erase the Super Sequencer EEPROM space and how to write to the space, byte by byte. For each page to be erased, repeat the routine outlined in Step 4, ...
DO NOT INSERT DEVICE YET! To use this page you must first create a file suitable for burning into your chip. For most chips we will create a *.hex file from running ...
I 2 C as many of you know, is a simple serial interface for many peripheral devices to micro controllers, but it can quickly become confusing to people who may not be accustom to it. Because of ...
My customer needs help programming the CSCE706: I have the a new CDCEL9XXPROGEVM programmer on my bench and I have a few samples of the CDCE706 to develop with. Now I ...
EEPROM memory, which recently celebrated its 50th birthday, continues to defy obsolescence. Despite its age, EEPROM remains a mature, reliable, and affordable technology for many electronic systems.