Metabolic control analysis can be used to determine the controls of spatially structured reactive systems, as demonstrated for sulfate-methane transition zones in sediments and oxygen minimum ...
Providing an introduction to the concept of biogeochemical element cycles, including interactions between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere via positive and negative feedback ...
Research includes cycling of water, carbon, nitrogen, salts and metals in the environment, with a strong focus on soil processes that modulate these element cycles.
Editor's Note: In her January 2022 column, Dr. Peirano discussed wood – anger. Our emotional landscape is a complex entity in and of itself. Turning to the element cycles can help us understand more ...
In musing on the relationships of the core emotions – joy, grief, fear, anger and shame – and their interaction within the element cycles, it seems most fitting that shame is an earth element emotion.
Element Cycles key: element-cycles icon: mdi:heating-coil visible: True - name: Pump Runtime key: pump-seconds device_class: duration icon: mdi:pump visible: True unit: s - name: Pump Cycles key: pump ...