What are the current and next Genshin Impact banners? Each character event wish banner lasts around three weeks and gives you a higher chance to receive specific five-star and four-star characters.
Genshin Impact Banners are what you can spend your Fate currency on to Wish for characters and weapons. Every character event Banner usually runs for three weeks, making way for the next Banner ...
Here is a brief explanation of how our tiers work: Wriothesely is another powerful unit that was added in Genshin Impact version 4.1 alongside Neuvillette. He is a very powerful Cryo DPS unit and ...
For Natlan, meta characters such as Neuvillette were prioritized over less popular units, and while the Chronicled Banner seeks to soothe the issue in the long term, many Genshin Impact players ...
The second half banner of Genshin Impact version 5.0 boasts formidable additions ... Want to amp up your Physical DMG numbers with Eula? Pair her with Raiden Shogun. Want to blast away enemies with ...